Friday, September 19, 2014

How to Be Patient in Network Marketing

A lot of online marketers and network marketers sign up with a business opportunity with the attitude of "I Want It Now!"

In fact, a lot of people drop out of business opportunities when they don't get their expected results instantly! If they don't see that $1000 in 24 hours results, they have a virtual temper tantrum and drop out, blaming the business opportunity for their lack of results.

In reality, their "I want it now" attitude is what's causing them not to succeed, not the business!

But I Want It Now! How to Be More Patient...

If you're thinking of dropping out of whatever business opportunity you're in right now, whether it's network marketing, affiliate marketing or just building a business with your own product, the first thing you have to do is change your mental attitude and mindset.

Despite all the claims of overnight riches that you're inundated with on a daily basis, you will never - and let me repeat - you will NEVER get everything you want in a day or two, or even a week or two.

In fact, it may take months or years before you reach the level of success that you want.

But does that mean you have to drop out of one program and start another one every couple of weeks or months? Absolutely not!

Building a Business Takes Time!

Okay, so you're thinking, well, I'm not buying a store location, setting it up, stocking the shelves, having a Grand Opening and spending thousands on advertising. I'm online, so doesn't that cut the overhead and the time?

Sure, you're cutting out the overtime and you may even be spending zero on advertising, but the "Build It and They Will Come" mentality and the "I Want It Now" attitude will get you nowhere fast.

Keeping these mental mindsets will only keep from doing what you need to do to get what you want. Why? Because by wanting it all instantly, you're not giving yourself enough time to test different methods of advertising and networking.

If you get a new Job, you won't learn all of your tasks and responsibilities on the first day. Sometimes it takes weeks to acclimate yourself to your surroundings, to get to know your boss, to get familiar with your coworkers.

In fact, as time goes on, you'll learn time-saving shortcuts from coworkers who have been doing the job longer.

It's the same thing with online marketing and a new business opportunity. You need to allow yourself time to test a variety of marketing methods, network with other members who have been in the business longer and have suggestions that work.

And that takes time! You're not doing yourself any favors by jumping from one biz op to the next, expecting instant results from each one without putting in the time it takes to learn the business.

So to quote "seanswarner" on Twitter, "Never give up what you want most for what you want now."

Drop the "I Want It Now" attitude that will incapacitate you, and learn how to be patient in building your business and you'll be happier with the eventual success that you're looking for.

Karen Musselman works from home and provides "Online Marketing Help Without the Hype," including tips for building a successful business. Karen's blog also has training videos for members of the marketing company she's a member of. Stop by Karen's blog today for more online marketing help.